Thursday, January 22, 2015

World of consulting engineers in IT?

Since I involved in IT in civil engineering, I have come across a lot matter in software related to engineering.
First and almost that, users will have more expectation in software for engineering. A lot of people will say "you have software, click and run only. What make you so difficult? Tomorrow I want to have result". They think that software is intelligent enough to handle issue engineering problem. Actually it is NOT. Please be remember that, software just a tool to help engineer to do work. Not for everything. It gives more "run" of engineering problem for engineer, so engineer can has more results to diagnoses. Finally provide better result for client.
With better software technology in engineering, users may become "lazy". They do want to do more test on design and analysis of engineering problem. They are too depend on software. It may leads to a level of dangerous that they will loosing out engineering value. They cannot analysis engineering problem. All problem is handle by software. They will loose out the "FEEL" of engineering work. They will not know which area is more critical. As for example, the design of structural building, they do not know which column is heavily loaded. which beam is critical beam. etc. Structural behavior of building?
Now you will encounter a lot of engineers said that they are good in design of engineering work. If you ask bit future on it, you will notice that they are good at operating software. Not in design. As a result, I may call them as "OPERATOR" instead of engineer.
In future, technical know how person may fall in software companies because software companies need to know in depth of engineering before they can code it into software.


Blogger Unknown said...

Consulting engineers in IT is good and have much scope in IT. Structural engineer can decide which construction technique should be used to offer a most optimistic design that is easy to apply and cost-effectual.

June 4, 2015 at 10:44 PM  

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